Dad turns 47

Happy 47th birthday to my wonderful dad! He has taught and has done so much for all of us! His birthday was the 11th. He loves his babies and his 3 soon to be 4 grandchildren!

                                                     This is a old map of San Antonio.

When he was younger he played Soccer and Baseball. When he was in High School he did track and basketball.
                                          Grace and my dad.(Grace will be 6 in November)

                                           My dad and Grey (short for Gregory) Grey is now 4

Celeste and David's wedding 2016

Grace, Anna and my Dad

My Dad and I
Seth and Dad played mercy
Happy Birthday to the best dad in the world!!!!! I love you soo much Dad and hope you had a great day!!
Maybe i'll be able to find photos of when he was younger and add to this.
