Our Past Year

Wow! It's been so long since I've done this. Happy 2020! We've been through a lot this past year. It's a long list of Birthdays, Holidays, Hospital visits, Babies, a engagement and much more!

  1. BIRTHDAYS- I'm just going to give everybody's current ages. Dad-48, Mom-46, Cheyenne-27, Nathan (Chey's husband) -31, (Cheys kids-Grey-5, Miles-3, Elsie-2, Amos-1) Celeste-24, Her husband David-26, Seth-18, Sophia-17, Chloe(me)-15, Ethan-13, Genevieve-12, Jonathan-10, Amelia-8, Grace-7, Anna-4. And lots of us are having birthdays real soon!
  2. HOLIDAYS- Well the usual holidays that go around each year!
  3. BABIES- Charis Noelle Sabo born November 20th 2019, Louisa Marie Nichols(Celeste's 1st baby) Due March 2020, Baby Boy Warren due July 2020(Chey's 5th child)  
  4. HOSPITAL VISITS- This is going to be a long one... So in December of 2018 Amos was born, when he was 2 weeks old he got RSV and went to the hospital and was there for 1-2 weeks and was there over New Years. Then he went back for a couple of days because he got sick again. Then on January 7th 2019, Genevieve's 11th birthday, dad had an appointment for his pacemaker(Which he's had for 16 years) They found out he had an infection around his pacemaker,(for a couple months the area outside of his skin was looking irritated) So they had to take his pacemaker out and put a new one in on the other side. He was there for 3 weeks, then got to come home with a wound VAC where his incision was. Then a couple days later had to go back because he reacted to the medication and got pneumonia. Then finally got better! Then Mom, Dad and Anna went to Africa in March for 2 weeks for a mission trip/ seeing if our family could move there for 2 years for ministry. (we weren't sure if Dad was going to be well because he wasn't allowed to hold anything heavier then 6 lbs with his arm) Well they got back and for a week Mom felt so jet lagged and later found out she was PREGNANT!!!! It had been 3 weeks away from 4 years since having Anna and we thought that she was the last one. But nope! The 12th Sabo baby Due December 20th 2019! Then at Mom's 15-20 week ultrasounds we found out that it was a girl! But she had Trisomy 18, we learned about it and the different things it causes. Mom had a condition called Polyhydramnios  because Charis wasn't swallowing the amniotic fluid it just kept filling up. Also Charis was 2 weeks behind growing (their is so much more so just go to Candace Skinner Sabo on Facebook) Then my Mom's parents came to live with us and help. Well she was born a month early and weighed 3lbs 5oz and was 16in long! She was delivered by C-section and immediately was put on a CPAP and taken to the NICU. We had a lot of tough times throughout and thought she was passing at 2 weeks old, she was put on a ventilator so we could have more time. The whole family was there, everyone in the birthday list up top was there and our grandparents. Then the next morning she started recovering! The staff had never seen a baby survive that before! She had her ups and downs went back on a CPAP and now she is on a nose cannula and was upgraded to a crib instead of a hospital baby bed! So backtracking to when she was about a month old, Elsie, Cheyenne's 2 year old daughter fell of our trampoline and broke her arm! (we have a net but she was walking on the outside) And then 2 weeks later Chey and her family we're going to church and got in an accident. They all were fine a little shaken and sore, but Chey had to go to the hospital since she was pregnant. So then about a week ago Chey started having small bleeding and went to the hospital and she's fine and they just found out they're having a boy! Well back to Charis, she was having seizures and they started giving her medication for it and then a couple days ago started having more and she has to have another 24hr EEG. She's up to 5lbs 2oz and she's so beautiful and since she has the cannula we can hold her so much more easily and not have to get the nurse to help move her. She had her esophagus surgery a month or two ago and she can swallow so much better without the ventilator tube in her throat! She can also cry and make the cutest noises! I know it's probably confusing so just go to Facebook for A LOT MORE INFO! 
  5.   ENGAGEMENT- Well on Christmas day Seth proposed to his girlfriend Francesca! We love her so much and she's just the sweetest!
  6. Well our life seems to get crazier everyday! Even through tough time we pray to God for guidance and healing. He has worked miracles through Charis and has shown our nurses and doctors!  We thank everyone for their prayers, their support on our GoFundMe page and their love! I hope to start this blog up again and talk more about our family! Seriously though go to Facebook to see all the cute pics of Charis!!!! 
